Portal Second Age | ||||
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Engin des chassenuits – Nightstalker Engine | Portal Second Age | 2.00€ | Inexistant | |
Ensorceleuse du Marennois – Dakmor Sorceress | Portal Second Age | 7.50€ | Inexistant | |
Esprit vampirique – Vampiric Spirit | Portal Second Age | 2.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Horreur cachée – Hidden Horror | Portal Second Age | 1.50€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Le retour des chassenuits – Return of the Nightstalkers | Portal Second Age | 2.00€ | Inexistant | |
Passion pour l'antique – Ancient Craving | Portal Second Age | 4.00€ | Inexistant | |
Pluie de dagues – Rain of Daggers | Portal Second Age | 7.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Baiser de mort – Kiss of Death | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Chassenuit brutal – Brutal Nightstalker | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Chassenuit des abysses – Abyssal Nightstalker | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Chassenuit prédateur – Predatory Nightstalker | Portal Second Age | 4.00€ | Inexistant | |
Coercition – Coercion | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Cri à glacer le sang – Bloodcurdling Scream | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Esprit flétri – Foul Spirit | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Offrande ténébreuse – Dark Offering | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Peste du Marennois – Dakmor Plague | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Chassenuit pillard – Raiding Nightstalker | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Chassenuit rôdeur – Prowling Nightstalker | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Chassenuit sournois – Lurking Nightstalker | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Chauve-souris du Marennois – Dakmor Bat | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Colonie de rats – Swarm of Rats | Portal Second Age | 1.50€ | Inexistant | |
Concert de lamentations – Chorus of Woe | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Edit cruel – Cruel Edict | Portal Second Age | 0.75€ | Inexistant | |
Esprit gémissant – Moaning Spirit | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Exhumation – Raise Dead | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Main de mort – Hand of Death | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Pourrissement cérébral – Mind Rot | Portal Second Age | 0.10€ | Inexistant | |
Rat du fumier – Muck Rats | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Rats voraces – Ravenous Rats | Portal Second Age | 0.50€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Scorpion du Marennois – Dakmor Scorpion | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Basilic sylvestre – Sylvan Basilisk | Portal Second Age | 1.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Guivre aux anneaux de mort – Deathcoil Wurm | Portal Second Age | 4.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Odeur alléchante – Alluring Scent | Portal Second Age | 2.00€ | Inexistant | |
Ouragan – Hurricane | Portal Second Age | 1.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Ours aux griffes rasoir – Razorclaw Bear | Portal Second Age | 7.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Prêtresse de Norbois – Norwood Priestess | Portal Second Age | 19.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Yeti sylvestre – Sylvan Yeti | Portal Second Age | 2.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Bois profond – Deep Wood | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Buffle – Wild Ox | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Buffle aux sabots de fer – Ironhoof Ox | Portal Second Age | 0.50€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Etendues sauvages – Untamed Wilds | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Harmonie de la nature – Harmony of Nature | Portal Second Age | 3.00€ | Inexistant | |
Loup solitaire – Lone Wolf | Portal Second Age | 0.30€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Ours des rivières – River Bear | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Piqûre d'abeille – Bee Sting | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Toucher de renouvellement – Renewing Touch | Portal Second Age | 4.00€ | Inexistant | |
Archers de Norbois – Norwood Archers | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Chevaucheur de Norbois – Norwood Riders | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Croissance démesurée – Monstrous Growth | Portal Second Age | 0.30€ | Inexistant | |
Guerrière de Norbois – Norwood Warrior | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Guivre à plaque – Plated Wurm | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Guivre aux dents barbelées – Barbtooth Wurm | Portal Second Age | 0.40€ | Inexistant | |
Lynx – Lynx | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Ours doré – Golden Bear | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Ourson – Bear Cub | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Ranger de Norbois – Norwood Ranger | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Sapience naturaliste – Nature's Lore | Portal Second Age | 4.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Sauvetage – Salvage | Portal Second Age | 2.00€ | Inexistant | |
Singe arboricole – Tree Monkey | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Source naturelle – Natural Spring | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Assaut implacable – Relentless Assault | Portal Second Age | 5.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Dragon sulfureux – Brimstone Dragon | Portal Second Age | 12.00€ | Inexistant | |
Feu dévastateur – Wildfire | Portal Second Age | 2.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Géant de magma – Magma Giant | Portal Second Age | 1.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Géant rusé – Cunning Giant | Portal Second Age | 1.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Général gobelin – Goblin General | Portal Second Age | 15.00€ | Inexistant | |
Tremblement de terre – Earthquake | Portal Second Age | 2.50€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Boutefeu gobelin – Goblin Firestarter | Portal Second Age | 1.00€ | Inexistant | |
Brasier – Blaze | Portal Second Age | 0.40€ | Inexistant | |
Cri de guerre des gobelins – Goblin War Cry | Portal Second Age | 0.75€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Double éclair – Jagged Lightning | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Géant d'obsidienne – Obsidian Giant | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Incendiaire ogre – Ogre Arsonist | Portal Second Age | 1.50€ | Inexistant | |
Matrone gobeline – Goblin Matron | Portal Second Age | 3.00€ | Inexistant | |
Sapience gobeline – Goblin Lore | Portal Second Age | 5.00€ | Inexistant | |
Surveillant ogre – Ogre Taskmaster | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Berserker ogre – Ogre Berserker | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Cavaliers gobelins – Goblin Cavaliers | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Expectoration tellurique – Spitting Earth | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Frappe guerrière des gobelins – Goblin War Strike | Portal Second Age | 4.00€ | Inexistant | |
Gobelin enragé – Raging Goblin | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Guerrier Ogre – Ogre Warrior | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Hache de lave – Lava Axe | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Marteau volcanique – Volcanic Hammer | Portal Second Age | 0.40€ | Inexistant | |
Montagnard gobelin – Goblin Mountaineer | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Pillard gobelin – Goblin Raider | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Piquier gobelin – Goblin Piker | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Planeur gobelin – Goblin Glider | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Pluie de pierres – Stone Rain | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Tremblement – Tremor | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Chercheuse de Talas – Talas Researcher | Portal Second Age | 1.00€ | Inexistant | |
Exténuation – Exhaustion | Portal Second Age | 3.00€ | Inexistant | |
Guerrier de Talas – Talas Warrior | Portal Second Age | 10.00€ | Inexistant | |
Habitant des profondeurs – Denizen of the Deep | Portal Second Age | 7.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Magicien de la côte – Coastal Wizard | Portal Second Age | 2.50€ | Inexistant | |
Manipulation temporelle – Temporal Manipulation | Portal Second Age | 45.00€ | Inexistant | |
Piraterie – Piracy | Portal Second Age | 24.00€ | Inexistant | |
Annulation – Undo | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Apprenti ensorceleur – Apprentice Sorcerer | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Déni mystique – Mystic Denial | Portal Second Age | 0.75€ | Inexistant | |
Détournement des rêves – Theft of Dreams | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Drakôn marin – Sea Drake | Portal Second Age | 3.50€ | Inexistant | |
Elémental d'air – Air Elemental | Portal Second Age | 0.40€ | Inexistant | |
Galion cuirassé – Armored Galleon | Portal Second Age | 0.50€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Oeil espion – Eye Spy | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Renvoi – Remove | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Anéantissement – Extinguish | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Déferlement de la marée – Tidal Surge | Portal Second Age | 0.30€ | Inexistant | |
Déjà Vu – Deja Vu | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Drakôn grinçant – Screeching Drake | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Eclaireur de Talas – Talas Scout | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Exploratrice de Talas – Talas Explorer | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Fausse invocation – False Summoning | Portal Second Age | 1.50€ | Inexistant | |
Frégate à vapeur – Steam Frigate | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Marchand de Talas – Talas Merchant | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Passe-passe – Sleight of Hand | Portal Second Age | 6.00€ | Inexistant | |
Temps du jusant – Time Ebb | Portal Second Age | 0.10€ | Inexistant | |
Toucher de miroitement – Touch of Brilliance | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Vaisseau volant talien – Talas Air Ship | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Vol à voile – Wind Sail | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Ange de fureur – Angel of Fury | Portal Second Age | 4.00€ | Inexistant | |
Archange – Archangel | Portal Second Age | 3.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Armaguedon – Armageddon | Portal Second Age | 12.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Catapulte à vapeur – Steam Catapult | Portal Second Age | 3.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Fureur des justes – Righteous Fury | Portal Second Age | 5.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Juste destin – Just Fate | Portal Second Age | 2.00€ | Inexistant | |
Vétéran d'Alaborn – Alaborn Veteran | Portal Second Age | 1.00€ | Inexistant | |
Ange de miséricorde – Angel of Mercy | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Bonne affaire – Bargain | Portal Second Age | 2.50€ | Inexistant | |
Cavalier d'Alaborn – Alaborn Cavalier | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Doyen du temple – Temple Elder | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Griffon cuirassé – Armored Griffin | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Position de combat – Warrior's Stand | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Ralliement des troupes – Rally the Troops | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Vengeance – Vengeance | Portal Second Age | 0.75€ | Inexistant | |
Zélatrice d'Alaborn – Alaborn Zealot | Portal Second Age | 1.50€ | Inexistant | |
Acolyte du temple – Temple Acolyte | Portal Second Age | 0.20€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Bénédiction angélique – Angelic Blessing | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Charge des justes – Righteous Charge | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Chemin de paix – Path of Peace | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Festival de Trokin – Festival of Trokin | Portal Second Age | 0.50€ | Inexistant | |
Grenadier d'Alaborn – Alaborn Grenadier | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Griffon sauvage – Wild Griffin | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Haut garde de trokin – Trokin High Guard | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Mousquetaire d'Alaborn – Alaborn Musketeer | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Mur angélique – Angelic Wall | Portal Second Age | 0.10€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Sentinelle de la ville – Town Sentry | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Souffle de vie – Breath of Life | Portal Second Age | 1.00€Indisponible | Inexistant | |
Troupier d'Alaborn – Alaborn Trooper | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
Volontaire de la milice – Volunteer Militia | Portal Second Age | 0.20€ | Inexistant | |
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