Commander 2019 |
| Grimoire des morts – Grimoire of the Dead | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Anje Falkenrath – Anje Falkenrath | Commander 2019 | 0.75€ |
| Atla Palani, marraine des nids – Atla Palani, Nest Tender | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Chaînes, adepte des cauchemars – Chainer, Nightmare Adept | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Elsha de l'Infini – Elsha of the Infinite | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Grêvën, capitaine du Prédateur – Greven, Predator Captain | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Marisi, briseur de l'annelure – Marisi, Breaker of the Coil | Commander 2019 | 1.00€ |
| Pramikon, rempart du ciel – Pramikon, Sky Rampart | Commander 2019 | 0.30€ |
| Rayami, première à tomber – Rayami, First of the Fallen | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Trostani, Voix de Selesnya – Trostani, Selesnya's Voice | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Vraska l'Inapparente – Vraska the Unseen | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Wöhlrajh, le voleur de forme – Volrath, the Shapestealer | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Ob Nixilis ravivé – Ob Nixilis Reignited | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Pourparlers à l'ossuaire – Boneyard Parley | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Garruk, chasseur primordial – Garruk, Primal Hunter | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Proscrite maître-dragon – Dragonmaster Outcast | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Imitateur rusé – Clever Impersonator | Commander 2019 | 0.75€ |
| Ange des condamnations – Angel of Sanctions | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Ange immaculé – Pristine Angel | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Rokh compagnon – Wingmate Roc | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Jumeau de désolation – Desolation Twin | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Autogénérateur renforcé – Empowered Autogenerator | Commander 2019 | 0.40€ |
| Fonderie d'âmes – Soul Foundry | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Machine d'éons – Aeon Engine | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Pendentif de prospérité – Pendant of Prosperity | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Résonateur strionique – Strionic Resonator | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Don du Luxa – Bounty of the Luxa | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Emmara Tandris – Emmara Tandris | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Gerrard, héros de l'Aquilon – Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero | Commander 2019 | 0.30€ |
| Grismold, le semeur d'effroi – Grismold, the Dreadsower | Commander 2019 | 0.30€ |
| Rangs en augmentation – Growing Ranks | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Tahngarth, officier en second – Tahngarth, First Mate | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Sanctuaire de l'éternité – Sanctum of Eternity | Commander 2019 | 0.75€ |
| Scène de théâtre – Thespian's Stage | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Archifielleux de rancune – Archfiend of Spite | Commander 2019 | 0.30€ |
| Avare aux ossements – Bone Miser | Commander 2019 | 7.00€ |
| Don de destin – Gift of Doom | Commander 2019 | 1.00€ |
| K'rrik, fils de Yaugzebul – K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Malédiction de la sagesse des imbéciles – Curse of Fool's Wisdom | Commander 2019 | 1.00€ |
| Altisaure du zénith – Apex Altisaur | Commander 2019 | 3.00€ |
| Chute considérable – Momentous Fall | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Croc-de-givre d'Ohran – Ohran Frostfang | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Deuxième récolte – Second Harvest | Commander 2019 | 1.00€ |
| Eulogiste de Selesnya – Selesnya Eulogist | Commander 2019 | 0.30€ |
| Floraison totale – Full Flowering | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Muse née des graines – Seedborn Muse | Commander 2019 | 3.00€ |
| Route du retour – Road of Return | Commander 2019 | 0.30€ |
| Ruée irrésistible – Overwhelming Stampede | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Tentation de la découverte – Tempt with Discovery | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Belligérance de Ghired – Ghired's Belligerence | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Dévastateur d'Anje – Anje's Ravager | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Escouflenfer des vents contraires – Backdraft Hellkite | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Extorqueur des quais – Dockside Extortionist | Commander 2019 | 25.00€ |
| Monstruosité tectonique – Tectonic Hellion | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Phénix du feu du ciel – Skyfire Phoenix | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Vengeance grandissante – Increasing Vengeance | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Eponge de pensées – Thought Sponge | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Mur d'identité volée – Wall of Stolen Identity | Commander 2019 | 0.30€ |
| Museleuse de Kadina – Kadena's Silencer | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Rapetissement en masse – Mass Diminish | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Sanctuaire de Jace – Jace's Sanctum | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Substitution soudaine – Sudden Substitution | Commander 2019 | 0.40€ |
| Artisan damné – Doomed Artisan | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Chant de l'Ame du monde – Song of the Worldsoul | Commander 2019 | 3.00€ |
| Insigne de commandant – Commander's Insignia | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Jugement divin – Divine Reckoning | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Mandat de paix – Mandate of Peace | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Meneuse de geists de Thalia – Thalia's Geistcaller | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Dynamo thran – Thran Dynamo | Commander 2019 | 0.50€ |
| Jambières d'éclair – Lightning Greaves | Commander 2019 | 1.00€ |
| Charme de Sultaï – Sultai Charm | Commander 2019 | 0.00€ |
| Refuge d'Akoum – Akoum Refuge | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Refuge du Kazandou – Kazandu Refuge | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Chasseur de gros gibier – Big Game Hunter | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Enlisement dans la misère – Mire in Misery | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Foi des dévoués – Faith of the Devoted | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Lien élémentaire – Elemental Bond | Commander 2019 | 1.50€ |
| Majesté colossale – Colossal Majesty | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Voix du grand nombre – Voice of Many | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Divagations de désespoir – Desperate Ravings | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Eruption violente – Violent Eruption | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Pari de Tezzeret – Tezzeret's Gambit | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Vacance de direction – Leadership Vacuum | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Prison fantomale – Ghostly Prison | Commander 2019 | 0.20€ |
| Sauveteuse à flanc de falaise – Cliffside Rescuer | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Croissance morceleuse – Sundering Growth | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Marécage de Bojuka – Bojuka Bog | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Panorama de Naya – Naya Panorama | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Appel au monde souterrain – Call to the Netherworld | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Ancêtre de la tribu Sakura – Sakura-Tribe Elder | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Cherchauloin – Farseek | Commander 2019 | 0.10€ |
| Pillage sans foi – Faithless Looting | Commander 2019 | 0.05€ |
| Tempérament fougueux – Fiery Temper | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Vérité résonnante – Echoing Truth | Commander 2019 | 0.02€ |
| Filins prismatiques – Prismatic Strands | Commander 2019 | 2.00€ |