Commander Masters |
| Kozilek, la Grande Distorsion – Kozilek, the Great Distortion | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Morophon, l'Abondant – Morophon, the Boundless | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Omarthis, adepte de l'ectofeu – Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Tout n'est que poussière – All Is Dust | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Ulamog, la Voracité insatiable – Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger | Commander Masters | 20.00€ |
| Zhulodok, avaleur du Vide – Zhulodok, Void Gorger | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Kaldra parachevée – Kaldra Compleat | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Le Soleil immortel – The Immortal Sun | Commander Masters | 8.00€ |
| Le Voile de Chaîne – The Chain Veil | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Lentille extraplanaire – Extraplanar Lens | Commander Masters | 6.00€ |
| Lotus joailler – Jeweled Lotus | Commander Masters | 20.00€ |
| Monument abandonné – Forsaken Monument | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Anikthéa, main d'Erébos – Anikthea, Hand of Erebos | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Calix, main de la destinée – Calix, Destiny's Hand | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Commodore Calembredaine – Commodore Guff | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Eveil du Mirari – Mirari's Wake | Commander Masters | 2.50€ |
| L'Ur-Dragon – The Ur-Dragon | Commander Masters | 18.00€ |
| Le Dieu-Scarabée – The Scarab God | Commander Masters | 3.00€ |
| Léori, chasseur touché par l'étincelle – Leori, Sparktouched Hunter | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Mère des tombes slivoïde – Sliver Gravemother | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Nahiri, l'annonciatrice – Nahiri, the Harbinger | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Narci, chanteuse de fables – Narci, Fable Singer | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Rukarumel, biologiste – Rukarumel, Biologist | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Seigneur d'essaim slivoïde – Sliver Hivelord | Commander Masters | 3.00€ |
| Bassin miroir – Mirrorpool | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Archifielleux du désespoir – Archfiend of Despair | Commander Masters | 10.00€ |
| Erébos, Coeur lugubre – Erebos, Bleak-Hearted | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Mikaeus, le maudit – Mikaeus, the Unhallowed | Commander Masters | 8.00€ |
| Pacte de la tombe – Grave Pact | Commander Masters | 10.00€ |
| Précepteur diabolique – Demonic Tutor | Commander Masters | 25.00€ |
| Prophétesse du crépuscule – Twilight Prophet | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Razaketh au sang immonde – Razaketh, the Foulblooded | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Béhémoth caveur de cratères – Craterhoof Behemoth | Commander Masters | 10.00€ |
| Le Grand Cromlech – The Great Henge | Commander Masters | 30.00€ |
| Omnath, Locus de mana – Omnath, Locus of Mana | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Saison de dédoublement – Doubling Season | Commander Masters | 8.00€ |
| Selvala, coeur des terres sauvages – Selvala, Heart of the Wilds | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Summum de la destruction – Finale of Devastation | Commander Masters | 18.00€ |
| Attaque sauvage – Savage Beating | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Chandra, fournaise éveillée – Chandra, Awakened Inferno | Commander Masters | 5.00€ |
| Chandra, torche de la défiance – Chandra, Torch of Defiance | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Dragon du bûcher – Balefire Dragon | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Insurrection – Insurrection | Commander Masters | 3.00€ |
| Neheb, l'Eternel – Neheb, the Eternal | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Purphoros, dieu des Forges – Purphoros, God of the Forge | Commander Masters | 10.00€ |
| Chercheur de sort – Spellseeker | Commander Masters | 12.00€ |
| Jace Beleren – Jace Beleren | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Prise de Jingzhou – Capture of Jingzhou | Commander Masters | 10.00€ |
| Subornation – Bribery | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Sun Quan, seigneur de Wu – Sun Quan, Lord of Wu | Commander Masters | 8.00€ |
| Urza, seigneur grand-artificier – Urza, Lord High Artificer | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Ajani l'inébranlable – Ajani Steadfast | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Avacyn, ange de l'espoir – Avacyn, Angel of Hope | Commander Masters | 15.00€ |
| Champ d'étoiles de Nyx – Starfield of Nyx | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Contribution foncière – Land Tax | Commander Masters | 9.00€ |
| Dîme étouffante – Smothering Tithe | Commander Masters | 8.00€ |
| Elspeth, championne du Soleil – Elspeth, Sun's Champion | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Héliode, dieu du Soleil – Heliod, God of the Sun | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Héliode, Souverain du soleil – Heliod, Sun-Crowned | Commander Masters | 8.00€ |
| Serviteurs loyaux – Loyal Retainers | Commander Masters | 9.00€ |
| Archaïque abscons – Abstruse Archaic | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Calamité des titans – Calamity of the Titans | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Cigale fuyarde – Skittering Cicada | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Ecorcheur de loyautés – Flayer of Loyalties | Commander Masters | 8.00€ |
| L'ascension des Eldrazi – Rise of the Eldrazi | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Lui-qui-trahit – It That Betrays | Commander Masters | 3.00€ |
| Maîtrise d'Ugin – Ugin's Mastery | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Profanation de réalité – Desecrate Reality | Commander Masters | 0.75€ |
| Reforgeur de matière – Matter Reshaper | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Ugin, l'ineffable – Ugin, the Ineffable | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Arbitre silencieux – Silent Arbiter | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Bannière du vainqueur – Vanquisher's Banner | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Epée de l'animiste – Sword of the Animist | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Forge mystique – Mystic Forge | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Grand serpent annoroc – Stonecoil Serpent | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Heaume du champion – Champion's Helm | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Lanterne chromatique – Chromatic Lantern | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Lotus doré – Gilded Lotus | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Marcheur porte-hangars – Hangarback Walker | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Marteau de Nazahn – Hammer of Nazahn | Commander Masters | 2.50€ |
| Médaillon d'émeraude – Emerald Medallion | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Médaillon de jais – Jet Medallion | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Médaillon de perle – Pearl Medallion | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Médaillon de rubis – Ruby Medallion | Commander Masters | 2.50€ |
| Médaillon de saphir – Sapphire Medallion | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Monolithe de sombracier – Darksteel Monolith | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Gisela, lame d'Ornuit – Gisela, Blade of Goldnight | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Karador, chef de clan fantôme – Karador, Ghost Chieftain | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Meren du clan Nel Toth – Meren of Clan Nel Toth | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Mirri, duelliste de l'Aquilon – Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Mizzix de l'Izmagnus – Mizzix of the Izmagnus | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Nekusar, le terrasseur d'esprit – Nekusar, the Mindrazer | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Reine Marchesa – Queen Marchesa | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Slivoïde déchiqueteur de nuage – Cloudshredder Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Sythis, main des récoltes – Sythis, Harvest's Hand | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Teysa Karlov – Teysa Karlov | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Vagabond du maelstrom – Maelstrom Wanderer | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Xantcha, agent en sommeil – Xantcha, Sleeper Agent | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Yuriko, l'ombre du tigre – Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Zacama, Calamité primordiale – Zacama, Primal Calamity | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Zilortha, force incarnée – Zilortha, Strength Incarnate | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Bastion de Karn – Karn's Bastion | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Caveau des champions – Vault of Champions | Commander Masters | 5.00€ |
| Centre d'entraînement – Training Center | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Gradins de spectateurs – Spectator Seating | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Porte mystique – Mystic Gate | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Prairie rocailleuse – Rugged Prairie | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Saillies de la cascade – Cascade Bluffs | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Salle de guerre – War Room | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Sources rajeunisseuses – Rejuvenating Springs | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Stade des sous-bois – Undergrowth Stadium | Commander Masters | 3.00€ |
| Ascension du chef de sang – Bloodchief Ascension | Commander Masters | 5.00€ |
| Cacophonie déchaînée – Cacophony Unleashed | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Déluge toxique – Toxic Deluge | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Démon scarifié de runes – Rune-Scarred Demon | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Domination de congénères – Kindred Dominance | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Eveil des morts – Wake the Dead | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Gisa, meneuse de goule – Ghoulcaller Gisa | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Impetus morbide – Ghoulish Impetus | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Liche vindicative – Vindictive Lich | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Malice selon le diablotin – Imp's Mischief | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Ob Nixilis du Sombre Serment – Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Peur paralysante – Crippling Fear | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Rhétorique rusée – Cunning Rhetoric | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Ripaille mortelle – Deadly Rollick | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Seigneur démon Belzenlok – Demonlord Belzenlok | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Seigneur ogre de quartier insalubre – Ogre Slumlord | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Semeur de discorde – Sower of Discord | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Slivoïde aspireur – Syphon Sliver | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Slivoïde de lazotèpe – Lazotep Sliver | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Turlupin, Maître farceur – Rankle, Master of Pranks | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Arachnogénèse – Arachnogenesis | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Azusa, égarée mais en quête – Azusa, Lost but Seeking | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Béhémoth né de Nyx – Nyxborn Behemoth | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Béhémoth royal – Regal Behemoth | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Brume obscurcissante – Obscuring Haze | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Championne setessienne – Setessan Champion | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Chant des dryades – Song of the Dryads | Commander Masters | 3.00€ |
| Chef de clan aux sabots de pierre – Stonehoof Chieftain | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Compositrice du printemps – Composer of Spring | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Confluence verdoyante – Verdant Confluence | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Coursière de Kruphix – Courser of Kruphix | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Croc-de-givre d'Ohran – Ohran Frostfang | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Crocs-de-sabre rétif – Wayward Swordtooth | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Dent et ongle – Tooth and Nail | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Dryade du bosquet ilyséen – Dryad of the Ilysian Grove | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Eidôlon des fleurs – Eidolon of Blossoms | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Enchanteresse verduralde – Verduran Enchantress | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Freyalise, Fureur de Llanowar – Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Ghalta, Faim primordiale – Ghalta, Primal Hunger | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Héraut du panthéon – Herald of the Pantheon | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Hydre de force vive – Lifeblood Hydra | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Intervention héroïque – Heroic Intervention | Commander Masters | 7.00€ |
| Marcheroyaume – Realmwalker | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Pour les ancêtres – For the Ancestors | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Sakiko, mère de l'été – Sakiko, Mother of Summer | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Slivoïde du couvoir – Hatchery Sliver | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Slivoïde géniteur – Brood Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Tisseuse du sanctuaire – Sanctum Weaver | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Yisan, barde vagabond – Yisan, the Wanderer Bard | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Avatar du massacre – Avatar of Slaughter | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Calembredaine réécrit l'histoire – Guff Rewrites History | Commander Masters | 0.75€ |
| Chandra, héritage de feu – Chandra, Legacy of Fire | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Chipeur de trésor – Treasure Nabber | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Claque déflectrice – Deflecting Swat | Commander Masters | 18.00€ |
| Confluence ardente – Fiery Confluence | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Dragonne nidifiante – Nesting Dragon | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Drakuseth, gueule de flammes – Drakuseth, Maw of Flames | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Etoile d'extinction – Star of Extinction | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Fléau du trône – Scourge of the Throne | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Fureur des descendants – Descendants' Fury | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Grenzo, fauteur de ravages – Grenzo, Havoc Raiser | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Hidetsugu le malfaisant – Heartless Hidetsugu | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Krenko le caïd – Krenko, Mob Boss | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Phénix de Jaya – Jaya's Phoenix | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Slivoïde capricieux – Capricious Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Slivoïde malveillant – Spiteful Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Tentation de la vengeance – Tempt with Vengeance | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Transformations divergentes – Divergent Transformations | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Anéantissement du jour – Day's Undoing | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Artisans faeries – Faerie Artisans | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Carcasse mécanique torrentielle – Torrential Gearhulk | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Doublure d'étincelles – Spark Double | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Faille cyclonique – Cyclonic Rift | Commander Masters | 15.00€ |
| Kraken déferlorage – Stormsurge Kraken | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Précepteur particulier – Personal Tutor | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Raie bioluminescente – Deepglow Skate | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Réquisition – Commandeer | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Slivoïde des bourrasques – Galerider Sliver | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Slivoïde moqueur – Taunting Sliver | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Slivoïde synaptique – Synapse Sliver | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Téfeiri, archimage temporel – Teferi, Temporal Archmage | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Titan de Littjara – Titan of Littjara | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Tutelle féroce – Fierce Guardianship | Commander Masters | 30.00€ |
| Visionnaire forge-étincelle – Sparkshaper Visionary | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Vronos, inquisiteur masqué – Vronos, Masked Inquisitor | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Annexe de Norn – Norn's Annex | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Balan, chevalière errante – Balan, Wandering Knight | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Colère de Dieu – Wrath of God | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Collecteur de charité – Alms Collector | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Combat au Helgruft – Battle at the Helvault | Commander Masters | 2.50€ |
| Confluence vertueuse – Righteous Confluence | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Danseuse d'esprit du Ondou – Ondu Spiritdancer | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Don du forge-acier – Steelshaper's Gift | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Emprise du destin – Grasp of Fate | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Expiration sublime – Sublime Exhalation | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Faveur du royaume des esprits – Boon of the Spirit Realm | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Flambeau des Sentinelles – Gatewatch Beacon | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Gardefoi onakke – Onakke Oathkeeper | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Générale de campagne angélique – Angelic Field Marshal | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Grand abolisseur – Grand Abolisher | Commander Masters | 4.00€ |
| Maîtresse d'épée céleste – Heavenly Blademaster | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Mangara, le diplomate – Mangara, the Diplomat | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Manoeuvre irréprochable – Flawless Maneuver | Commander Masters | 3.00€ |
| Nahiri, la lithomancienne – Nahiri, the Lithomancer | Commander Masters | 0.75€ |
| Paladin de puracier – Puresteel Paladin | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Refuge félidar – Felidar Retreat | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Séphara, lame du ciel – Sephara, Sky's Blade | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Slivoïde ossefaux – Bonescythe Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Slivoïde royal – Regal Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Teyo, tacticien géométrique – Teyo, Geometric Tactician | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Artisan de Kozilek – Artisan of Kozilek | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Gémissement distordant – Warping Wail | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Pas de ce monde – Not of This World | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Terrasseur d'Ulamog – Pathrazer of Ulamog | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Autel d'Ashnod – Ashnod's Altar | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Cor du héraut – Herald's Horn | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Dynamo thran – Thran Dynamo | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Jambières d'éclair – Lightning Greaves | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Myr de palladium – Palladium Myr | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Talisman de conviction – Talisman of Conviction | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Talisman de créativité – Talisman of Creativity | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Talisman de progrès – Talisman of Progress | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Urne de pensée – Thought Vessel | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Enchanteur satyre – Satyr Enchanter | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Judith, diva du fléau – Judith, the Scourge Diva | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Mur de déni – Wall of Denial | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Naturaliste de Jukai – Jukai Naturalist | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Slivoïde cristallin – Crystalline Sliver | Commander Masters | 1.00€ |
| Slivoïde hibernateur – Hibernation Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Avant-poste nomade – Nomad Outpost | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Citadelle de la steppe de sable – Sandsteppe Citadel | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Citadelle maritime – Seaside Citadel | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Commune des sans guilde – Guildless Commons | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Cour retirée – Secluded Courtyard | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Phare hermétique – Arcane Lighthouse | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Plaine inondée – Flood Plain | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Réseau des Anneaux du Mage – Mage-Ring Network | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Temple eldrazi – Eldrazi Temple | Commander Masters | 2.00€ |
| Terra nullius – Unclaimed Territory | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Vallée forestière – Mountain Valley | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Acte cruel – Heartless Act | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Bastion du souvenir – Bastion of Remembrance | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Brimades – Victimize | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Dernière séparation – Final Parting | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Exsanguination – Exsanguinate | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Festin de succession – Feast of Succession | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Isareth l'éveilleuse – Isareth the Awakener | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Shirei, pourvoyeur de Shizo – Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Sous-fifre loyal – Loyal Subordinate | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Brontodonte déchainé – Rampaging Brontodon | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Fileuse de la destinée – Destiny Spinner | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Griffeboyaux, terreur de Qal Sisma – Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Némata, vigile du bosquet – Nemata, Grove Guardian | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Slivoïde manaduite – Manaweft Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Slivoïde venimeux – Venom Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.30€ |
| Témoin éternel – Eternal Witness | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Trois visites – Three Visits | Commander Masters | 1.50€ |
| Vigile loyal – Loyal Guardian | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Apprentie loyale – Loyal Apprentice | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Artiste au four à tempête – Storm-Kiln Artist | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Belliciste des frontières – Frontier Warmonger | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Despote des tours – Skyline Despot | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Fiellefouet – Fiendlash | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Rorix ailelame – Rorix Bladewing | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Salve vandale – Vandalblast | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Skwi, nabab gobelin – Squee, Goblin Nabob | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Aubaine – Windfall | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Canaliseuse de flux – Flux Channeler | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Kaho, historienne de Minamo – Kaho, Minamo Historian | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Narset, déchireuse des voiles – Narset, Parter of Veils | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Padeem, consul de l'innovation – Padeem, Consul of Innovation | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Slivoïde de diffusion – Diffusion Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Danitha Capashen, parangon – Danitha Capashen, Paragon | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Gardien de prison du palais – Palace Jailer | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Losheel, érudite en mécanique – Losheel, Clockwork Scholar | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Mutation de sombracier – Darksteel Mutation | Commander Masters | 0.50€ |
| Pianna, capitaine des nomades – Pianna, Nomad Captain | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Retour au pays – Swords to Plowshares | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Pont-levis d'assaut – Crashing Drawbridge | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Centrale énergétique d'Urza – Urza's Power Plant | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Mine d'Urza – Urza's Mine | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Tour d'Urza – Urza's Tower | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Lire dans les os – Read the Bones | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Cherchauloin – Farseek | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Mystique elfe – Elvish Mystic | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Portée du kodama – Kodama's Reach | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Revendication de Linciel – Skyshroud Claim | Commander Masters | 0.20€ |
| Sapience naturaliste – Nature's Lore | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Slivoïde cuirgemme – Gemhide Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Poings de flammes – Fists of Flame | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Slivoïde frappeur – Striking Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.05€ |
| Contresort – Counterspell | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Eclipse fantomale – Ghostly Flicker | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Recherche effrénée – Frantic Search | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Slivoïde ailé – Winged Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Compagnon fougueux – Spirited Companion | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Slivoïde ligamenteux – Sinew Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |
| Slivoïde sentinelle – Sentinel Sliver | Commander Masters | 0.10€ |
| Tout ce qui brille – All That Glitters | Commander Masters | 0.02€ |