Commander |
| Animar, Ame des éléments – Animar, Soul of Elements | Commander | 4.00€ |
| Damia, sage de pierre – Damia, Sage of Stone | Commander | 1.50€ |
| Ghaveh, gourou des spores – Ghave, Guru of Spores | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Kaalia de l'Immensité – Kaalia of the Vast | Commander | 1.00€ |
| Karador, chef de clan fantôme – Karador, Ghost Chieftain | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Malfégor – Malfegor | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Riku aux deux reflets – Riku of Two Reflections | Commander | 2.00€ |
| Ruhan des Fomori – Ruhan of the Fomori | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Wrexial, Emergence des Profondeurs – Wrexial, the Risen Deep | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Zedruü au Grandcoeur – Zedruu the Greathearted | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Garruk Languebestion – Garruk Wildspeaker | Commander | 1.50€ |
| Orage de comètes – Comet Storm | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Catapulte à glands – Acorn Catapult | Commander | 2.50€ |
| Heaume du champion – Champion's Helm | Commander | 2.00€ |
| Mine rugissante – Howling Mine | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Ailelame le Ressuscité – Bladewing the Risen | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Ange du désespoir – Angel of Despair | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Basandra, séraphine de combat – Basandra, Battle Seraph | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Dominus de l'allégeance – Dominus of Fealty | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Edric, maître espion de Trest – Edric, Spymaster of Trest | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Maîtrise de l'art de la guerre – Master Warcraft | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Numot, le dévastateur – Numot, the Devastator | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Oros, le vengeur – Oros, the Avenger | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Szadek, Seigneur des secrets – Szadek, Lord of Secrets | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Teneb, le moissonneur – Teneb, the Harvester | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Vorosh, le chasseur – Vorosh, the Hunter | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Chemin du foyer – Homeward Path | Commander | 6.00€ |
| Ange déchu – Fallen Angel | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Attrition – Attrition | Commander | 3.00€ |
| Avatar du malheur – Avatar of Woe | Commander | 1.00€ |
| Cacodémon de l'effroi – Dread Cacodemon | Commander | 0.50€ |
| Mort vivante – Living Death | Commander | 3.00€ |
| Némésis des égouts – Sewer Nemesis | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Pacte de la tombe – Grave Pact | Commander | 10.00€ |
| Spectre à la faux – Scythe Specter | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Traumatisme partagé – Shared Trauma | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Amphybane – Spawnwrithe | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Ascète troll – Troll Ascetic | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Voyage collectif – Collective Voyage | Commander | 0.50€ |
| Akroma, ange de la Fureur – Akroma, Angel of Fury | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Avatar de la fureur – Avatar of Fury | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Avatar du massacre – Avatar of Slaughter | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Dragon chargé au mana – Mana-Charged Dragon | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Force magmatique – Magmatic Force | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Insurrection – Insurrection | Commander | 3.00€ |
| Ruine – Ruination | Commander | 4.00€ |
| Strangulation – Stranglehold | Commander | 6.00€ |
| Avaleur des grands fonds – Trench Gorger | Commander | 1.50€ |
| Déluge irrité – Flusterstorm | Commander | 4.00€ |
| Erosion de la mémoire – Memory Erosion | Commander | 0.30€ |
| Gardien des énigmes – Riddlekeeper | Commander | 1.00€ |
| Rênes du pouvoir – Reins of Power | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Secrets commerciaux – Trade Secrets | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Alliance des armes – Alliance of Arms | Commander | 0.50€ |
| Arbitre angélique – Angelic Arbiter | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Archange de la discorde – Archangel of Strife | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Force céleste – Celestial Force | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Lien du martyr – Martyr's Bond | Commander | 0.30€ |
| Montée en crescendo de la guerre – Crescendo of War | Commander | 3.00€ |
| Vengeance selon Akroma – Akroma's Vengeance | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Artisan de Kozilek – Artisan of Kozilek | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Jambières d'éclair – Lightning Greaves | Commander | 1.00€ |
| Pincecrâne – Skullclamp | Commander | 1.00€ |
| Capitaine aux sigilles – Sigil Captain | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Echardes d'aura – Aura Shards | Commander | 6.00€ |
| Electrolyse – Electrolyze | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Mage des haies gwyll – Gwyllion Hedge-Mage | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Mur de déni – Wall of Denial | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Tornade sauvage – Savage Twister | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Trombe de feu – Firespout | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Bosquet éclatant – Vivid Grove | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Cordillère éclatante – Vivid Crag | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Marécage éclatant – Vivid Marsh | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Refuge d'Akoum – Akoum Refuge | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Cousus ensemble – Stitch Together | Commander | 0.50€ |
| Enterré vivant – Buried Alive | Commander | 0.30€ |
| Pilleur de tombes nezumi – Nezumi Graverobber | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Précepteur démoniaque – Diabolic Tutor | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Siphonner la chair – Syphon Flesh | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Epix nourricier – Spike Feeder | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Explorateur émérite – Veteran Explorer | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Témoin éternel – Eternal Witness | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Décès par dragons – Death by Dragons | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Dragonnet – Dragon Whelp | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Feu punitif – Punishing Fire | Commander | 0.05€ |
| La Colère – Anger | Commander | 1.00€ |
| Pyrohépathite – Pyrohemia | Commander | 1.00€ |
| Aubaine – Windfall | Commander | 0.50€ |
| Ecrasement de sort – Spell Crumple | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Garde gomazoaire – Guard Gomazoa | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Hussard de la cour – Court Hussar | Commander | 0.02€ |
| L'Emerveillement – Wonder | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Propagande – Propaganda | Commander | 2.00€ |
| Recherche périlleuse – Perilous Research | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Bain de lumière – Bathe in Light | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Cause des justes – Righteous Cause | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Grognard jotun – Jotun Grunt | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Mère des runes – Mother of Runes | Commander | 3.00€ |
| Mur d'augures – Wall of Omens | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Peine de prison – Prison Term | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Prison fantomale – Ghostly Prison | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Chronarque d'Izzet – Izzet Chronarch | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Puissance colossale – Colossal Might | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Terminaison – Terminate | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Trou dans la coque – Hull Breach | Commander | 0.10€ |
| Marécage de Bojuka – Bojuka Bog | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Lame du destin – Doom Blade | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Siphonner l'esprit – Syphon Mind | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Trouble intense – Unnerve | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Ancêtre de la tribu Sakura – Sakura-Tribe Elder | Commander | 0.05€ |
| Portée du kodama – Kodama's Reach | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Revigoration – Invigorate | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Echeveaux de vision – Vision Skeins | Commander | 0.02€ |
| Remue-méninges – Brainstorm | Commander | 0.20€ |
| Voyage vers le néant – Journey to Nowhere | Commander | 0.05€ |